5 Best Books on Self Control
Self-control is a touchy topic. We all struggle with it from time to time. When you procrastinate, choosing to watch Netflix instead of being productive, you are struggling with self-control and self-regulation. When you reach out for that cake instead of fruit for a snack and you are trying to stay healthy, you are struggling with self-control.
When we master self-control, we master our lives. Taking charge of our lives and learning delayed gratification helps us take control of our lives and get direction. It helps us develop some healthy habits, quit bad habits, and simply become better versions of ourselves.
I have struggled with self-control in the past and here are the 5 best books on self-control that helped me become a better person.
I have reviewed and summarized this wonderful little book, you can read all about it here.
In this book, Kelly McGonigal shows that willpower has three powers. There are;
- I will power
- I won’t
- I want.
The “I will” power shows self-control in things that you want to do, such as eat healthier or exercise more.
The “I won’t” power shows how self-control works in situations where you want to quit something, so you have to remind yourself that you won’t do it. Such situations are quitting smoking, spending less time on social media, or a nasty habit like nail-biting.
The “I want” power shows how to take up self-control by taking charge of what you want and regulating yourself to achieve it. Check out this awesome book and start taking charge of your self-control.
2. Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
In this book, one of the world’s most respected psychologists Roy F. Baumeister discusses willpower and some of the latest research and findings on self-control.
With the help of writer John Tierney, this book is easy to read and understand and the author shows some practical tips to help us develop our willpower and therefore our self-control.
Sometimes, we feel as if things are out of our control and this book helped me rediscover my strength and realize how much I can still control and take charge of my life.
3. The Marshmallow Test: Why Self-Control Is the Engine of Success
Sometime back, there was an Instagram challenge going on where parents offered toddlers snacks, left the room, and told the toddlers to wait until the parents got back to the room so they could eat the snack.
This is basically how the marshmallow test was conducted by Walter Mischel.
He gave kids a marshmallow, told them they could one right now or have two when he came back after he left the room. This test basically shows self-control and delayed gratification.
Can we hold off gratification now for an even bigger gratification in the future? I recommend you check out this book and it will show you how self-control applies to different situations in our lives.
4. The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life
Self-discipline comes from self-control and self-regulation. I have discussed how self-regulation is a great of our motivation in Emotional Intelligence. The Practicing Mind teaches us to focus on what matters, practice self-control so we are not distracted by the flashing things around us.
Often, we lack self-control because we choose today’s comfort instead of accepting discomfort now for the sake of tomorrow’s more gratifying comfort. As a result, we procrastinate, we eat unhealthy stuff, we sit our butt on the couch all day, among other things that keep us from doing what we should be doing.
Check out this book and take charge of self-discipline and love the process.
5. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
This is one of my favorite books not only on self-control but on motivation. Dan Pink discusses that what drives us is entirely intrinsic, comes from within, and therefore, self-regulated.
In this book, Dan Pink examines the three elements of motivation as being; autonomy, mastery, and purpose. You see, self-control has to come from you. Your motivation is likely to last if it is self-initiated and self-regulated.
Check out this book and take charge of your productivity, performance, and satisfaction.