A lesson from Kylie Jenner: On Confidence and Money
Most of us know Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the “Kardashian sisters” who was recently named in the list of top 30 under 30, all this while she is aged 18. You probably think that she has not earned any of those riches, since all she does for a living is sit around and look pretty.
Well, not really, turns out TV has only contributed to less than 10% of her wealth. The other about 10% is from social media modeling as well as real time modeling which she does not do as much as her elder sister, Kendall. About another 10% of her wealth is on a fashion line she runs with Kendall and here is the bombshell: She made the most of her wealth in late 2015 and 2016 through her lip kits and here is where I base my lesson on.
If you remember a younger Kylie, she had very thin lips. She didn’t seem to like her lips as they were and had them made into a set that pouts beautifully.
After that she proudly modeled the new pouty lips in different shades of lipsticks and she even had teenage girls in the US hurt their lips as they sucked them into bottle tops to look like Kylie. Knowing how much her lips had a following on social media, Kylie went ahead and created a lip kit, with her iconic lips as the logo, were lipstick drips from the lips.
When Kylie launched her lip kit on her website in November 2015, she sold out in 30 seconds. Yes, 30 seconds! She went back to the factory, made other kits and re-launched them a few other times, and all these times, the lip kits have sold out in less than 20 minutes.
Lessons 1: Sometimes a change in appearance can boost your confidence
Kylie turned her weakness, or something that she was not confident about into the source of her income. Clearly, her new lips gave her confidence, and as a result, she used them for her gain. I am not saying you get some surgery to enhance your boobs or lift your butt a little, but there are some things that you can actually improve in your life to get some confidence. You can whiten your teeth, work out and get a good posture, build your confidence through constant motivation and inspiration. Confidence is built, and often needs boosting so as it does not go away. How we look, to a very large extent, contributes to our confidence.
Read 3 tips on how to build self confidence
Lesson 2: You can make money from your confidence
She turned her newly found confidence and strength into financial opportunities. She got gigs to model for lipstick brands and went ahead and launched her own lip kits. From your newly found confidence, you can go ahead and make it work for you. Yes, you can fake that confidence and end up making money out of it, or using it to get things you couldn’t get before.
Are there areas in your life that could improve and lead to a confidence boost?
Want to improve your confidence? Check out The Confidence Code– The Science and Art of Self-Assurance: What Women Should Know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. You can get a 15 minutes summary on the key lessons from this book on Blinkist.