Why you experience anxiety
Do you sometimes feel a knot of anxiety twist in your stomach so hard that you want to throw up? You are not alone! I feel like this sometimes.
This is especially if I want to do something big and I am freaking scared. Sometimes I feel like this and yet I have deadlines to meet and but all I want to do is curl up into a ball and sleep.
A lot of us struggle with anxiety, and it is so hard to talk about it. Especially if others think we are confident and assured and yet we don’t feel as great inside, at least not all the time.
First, confidence itself is a lot of work and sometimes it has its days. However confident we are, there are days that anxiety gets the better of us.
What causes anxiety?
I know sometimes I am anxious when I have something big coming along, or a huge task that I am not so confident about.
I wonder if I will be good enough and this self-doubt gets into my nerves. However, I learned that confronting this kind of hurdle makes the monster less scary. Things seem a bit scarier when they are in our minds than they are.
How can you deal with anxiety?
Try to worry less
We suffer more in imagination than in reality- Seneca
Anxiety is common whereby it’s accompanied by a string of worries on all the things that could go wrong. The problem is, the longer you worry, the more intense the anxiety will get.
We worry about things that probably won’t happen. One of the most effective mood-lifter is tackling that which is scaring you. Working on it gives some triumphant feeling and feeling like a winner is one of the things that poke holes on anxiety.
Talk it out
Another way to deal is by talking it out. Recently I was having an attack and felt much better after talking it out. Some things sound much bigger in our heads than they actually are. When you describe what is giving you anxiety, you realize that it is not as bad as you thought.
Get some air
Take a walk to calm your nerves down. Most of what we are anxious about cannot change but we can change what we feel about them. I like to work out when I feel anxious.
The burst of energy that comes with working out makes me feel better about myself and gives me a tiny boost of confidence. Even better, exercising out in the open fields has a liberating effect.
There are two books that I have read recently that have addressed anxiety, especially those caused by worrying. Try reading How to stop worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie and Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer.