I am not interested in any career: What to do?
Some of us were lucky to know what we wanted to be since we were kids. Others, not so lucky. If you are not interested in any career and don’t know what you want to do with your life, you are not alone.
Many of us have had to change careers before we knew what works for them. I did that for a while before I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had too many interests and did not know which one to pick and pursue.
So, if you are not interested in any career, read on. First, let us look at why you may not be interested in any career.
Why you are not interested in any career
You have too many interests
When you have too many interests, it can be challenging to pick one and stick with it. you feel that if you choose one, you could be denying all the other interests a chance. Having too many interests can be interesting but exhausting as well. We all have just 24 hours in a day and it may be a challenge to do all that you need to be done.
You have too few interests
You could be struggling with picking a career if you have too few interests. If you are not interested in a lot of things, you don’t even know what would excite you and which of your interests you can make into a career. Too little interest is a sign that you have not explored much and you are likely to pick up a career that has been suggested to you but does little to pick your interest.
Your idea of a career is limited
Gone are the days we had to be lawyers, teachers, doctors, and engineers to say we have a career. Today, there are so many things you can make a career out of. If your idea of a career is in the old school of thought, you are denying yourself the good things. We live in a time when you can be anything. We have TikTok millionaires having a career by making short skits online.
You have a fixed mindset
A fixed mindset is whereby you believe that your talents and abilities are limited. You don’t want to venture into a career outside your comfort zone because you believe your ability to acquire new skills is limited. For example, if you believe you are not good with people, or not good at math, you stay out of careers in such areas. Your fixed mindset has convinced you that you will fail if you venture into careers in such areas.
You have a scarcity mindset
A scarcity mindset does not believe there are sufficient resources for everyone. A scarcity mindset will make you think that a certain profession is oversaturated, too many people are doing it, and you can no longer make money in this area, among other thoughts. Your scarcity mindset leads you to believe that some careers are superior to others and you don’t want to venture into a career that is perceived as ‘inferior’.
You are worried that you will pick the wrong one
One reason you are not picking up a career is that you are worried that you will pick up the wrong one. You worry that once you pick an interest, you will later regret it and wish that you picked a different one. This is strongly a problem with making decisions which you can easily overcome.
What to do when you are not interested in any career
Try out a few things
You will never know what will work for you if you don’t try out a few things. Volunteer, take internships, and attempt to make a career out of a few of your interests. This way, you can learn where your interests lie and what you enjoy doing. This is especially if you have little interest and you have not discovered what you like yet.
Use a strengths finder
A strengths finder is similar to a career guide or a self-awareness course. It helps you find your strengths, what you are good at so that you can work on creating a career along that line. By using a strengths finder, you may discover some things about yourself that you didn’t know. This book; Now Discover your strengths is great for helping you discover what you are good at and capitalize on the same. You can also try Career Course to help you discover your strong points.
Develop self-awareness
When you become self-aware, you understand what your strengths and limitations are. You learn who you really are, what makes you tick, what your limits are, and where you are comfortable. Self-awareness is important when you are picking out a career. Part of self-awareness involves learning your personality and how you thrive in different careers largely depends on your personality. This self-awareness course focuses on helping you discover your personality and identity all of which you can use to help you develop a career of your choice using this career guide.
Go with the flow
If you are hesitating from picking a career because you are afraid of being wrong, stop seeking perfection. No one knows what they are doing, many are simply going with the flow. Sometimes, you have to learn to go with the flow. If an opportunity arises in a certain line of work, jump on it. So what if you won’t like it in a year’s time? Jump onto the next thing.
“Have no fear of perfection- You’ll never reach it”- Salvador Dali
You can also change careers no matter how old you are. I have seen people change careers well into their 40s and 50s. As you grow older, you will become more assured and confident enough to know what you like and pursue it. Further, as time goes, more opportunities might present themselves to you and you might find yourself changing gears later on.