8 ways to recharge as an introvert
Are you an introvert? Do you enjoy spending time alone? Many introverts are highly sensitive and we are often drained by all that’s happening around us. Introverts need a lot of downtimes to recharge. You can recharge by taking part in activities that will help you restore your energy!
As an introvert, and as someone that loves being an introvert, I understand that what we define as recharging is very different. We are all intrigued by different things, even when we have introversion as a common denominator. We all recharge differently. All the same, one thing is clear, all our recharging involves some solo time.
Here are some ways that I recharge as an introvert
1. Reading
I love to read, but I understand that reading is not for everyone. However, for introverts who appreciate a good book, we know how fulfilling reading is. When I am not feeling like being productive or like I want any human interaction, I simply stay in bed and read all day.
Reading helps me set aside my daily problems and challenges and just focus on enjoying my book. Sometimes reading even brings me clarity if I had been struggling with some issues.
I wrote in the past what I learned from taking a month to read and reflect. If you are not a reader, here are some tips on how you can develop a reading culture.
2. Sleeping
Sleep does not come easy for everyone as well, I am aware of that. However, sleep is one of the most rejuvenating things you can do, and it is part of self-care.
When I feel overwhelmed I can sleep four a full day, taking breaks to eat and use the bathroom. A good sleep makes me feel rejuvenated mentally and physically and feel all good to go face the world again.
If you sleep does not come easily for you, I wrote a piece on how to sleep better, you can check it out.
3. Saying No
No is a complete sentence
One of the draining factors for introverts is participating in something we didn’t voluntarily initiate. Sometimes we go for social calls simply because we are being too nice and afraid of hurting the other person’s feelings.
Here is the thing, you can still say no and be a good person. Say no if you are feeling drained and choose to focus on yourself instead. Say no and stay in and do the stuff that you love.
4. Take on sole hobbies
Sole hobbies are a favorite of many introverts as they make us spend time alone doing something that we love. Whether you love reading, hiking, cycling or creating, do it alone and feel the joy it brings you.
In fact, research shows that introverts are more productive when they work alone as opposed to when they work in groups or open offices. You never know, working on your hobbies alone could lead to the production of a masterpiece. You could also learn a skill you have been hoping to learn simply by practicing alone.
5. Engage with people you’re comfortable with
There is a common misconception that all introverts are quiet. Wrong! Some introverts, such as myself, are very talkative, except we only talk to specific people and about specific topics.
Sometimes, a good, deep, engaging conversation with someone who likes similar things is the kind of recharge that you need. I spend a lot of time alone and so once in a while, I will seek out one of my good friends and we have nice soulful and informative conversations. I always leave these feeling all pumped up.
6. Spend time alone
A lot of introverts like to be alone. However, not many of us can afford this luxury. We interact with people at work, during our commutes and at home as well and you may realize that a week has gone by and you’ve hardly had time alone.
To recharge, look for opportunities to spend time alone. If you work at an interactive job and you have to engage with your family at home, try to find a couple of hours in a week where you can be alone. Enjoy this moment and recharge your batteries. Solitude is good for you and being alone sometimes is golden!
7. Exercise
Solo exercises are fun! Find exercises that you can do alone. If you workout in a gym, opt for exercises in which you can plug in your earphones and get to work. Don’t opt for aerobic or group exercises.
Introverts are highly sensitive, and engaging in such an exercise may be draining as you are too much focused on what is happening around you.
Even better, you can choose to work out at home. Here, you can do it at your own pace without a trainer yelling at you. Do it just for you, just to feel good.
8. Meditation
I am currently new at meditating but so far I am appreciating it. I like to sit alone and listen to my thoughts for twenty minutes a day. A friend recommended meditation and upon trying it I can say not bad! I am still new at it, but so far, I have found it very calming.
When I feel anxious I have figured out sitting at my meditation cushion and saying affirmations to myself is helping me calm down. Further, meditating especially in the morning kind of gives me clarity and I feel more in control of my life.
Meditation also helps us spend time without thoughts. While spending time alone, you can find yourself scrolling your phone or watching TV. However, with meditation, for just a short while, it is just you and your thoughts. I am new at this but so far, I recommend it!
Recommended book for introverts: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
How do you recharge as an introvert?